Juan Manuel Martin-Busutil | FreeSpiritYogaRetreats
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Juan Manuel Martin-Busutil

“Del poco dormir y del mucho leer, se le secó el cerebro, de manera que vino a perder el juicio.” Cervantes

Halt and credulous is no way to go through life so in defiance of my lack of either dexterity or social skill, having read the Autobiography of a Yogi as a teenager, I eventually tried standing on one leg.

11233564_10153434494144155_8110250209477072794_nThe fact that my struggling sufficiently differentiated me from the other students so as to catch my first instructor’s attention filled me with an unprecedented feeling of indignation, an occasion upon which I resolved to accept the challenge that my sense of levity, in that “the goal of all inanimate objects is to resist man and ultimately defeat him”, depended above all else on my resilience in the face of gravity.

Nothing reveals who we are as much as our attitude towards physical limitation and that makes for decent conversation.

I trained to teach in Spring 2000, practiced with Bikram for 9 years, represented the 2012 Bishnu Ghosh Cup and have been coaching, judging and sharing how stretching allows me to tolerate myself ever since.





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